September 10, 2021
Zora Lewis lived in Goldsboro for only one year, but it was a year that forever changed her life. And not in a good way. She vowed never to return, but Sojo needs her help to protect Goldsboro.
As Zora unlocks the final mystery of the town's powerful founding mothers, she must also unearth the truth about the women in her family--a truth that threatens to lead her right into the darkness.
Henry Highland Davidson has never forgotten the girl who gave him a black eye when he was in middle school, so when Zora Lewis returns to Goldsboro, his desire for her catches him off-guard. But that won't stop High from savoring all things Zora.
When the darkness invades Goldsboro, Zora and High can't afford to be distracted by each other. Because the darkness has finally taken shape. And the creature inside knows exactly what it needs to destroy Goldsboro. And that starts with Zora.